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Questionnaire for “Enhancing Recall of HIV Risk Behaviors” descriptive study, 1996-7, Seattle

[NIDA Grant No. DA10640]

[Note: This questionnaire is implemented in a series of computer programs written
in QuickBASIC. The interviewer administers the interview by microcomputer. Some
interview procedures are not fully captured by the following text. For more information,
contact Devon D. Brewer, Interdisciplinary Scientific Research,]

of the questions I am going to ask you may be the same as questions you
were asked in other studies or by other agencies. However, we are a separate study
and we are from a different agency, so I need to ask you a few basic questions again
as well as some new and different questions. If at any point during the interview
a question is not clear to you, stop and ask me to clarify the question.

We are interested in learning as much as we can from what you tell us today.
Remember, all information you give is anonymous--we have no way of identifying you.
If there are questions you don’t want to answer, let me know and I’ll skip to the
next question. There are no right or wrong answers to any of these questions--
we are just trying to learn about you have experienced. Please try your very best
to give the most accurate and complete answers to my questions today.

A. Demographic and background information

The first five questions relate to information about you that we need
in order to make an anonymous code to identify your interview responses.

1. What is your birthdate? __ __ __ __ __ __ (BDATE)
2. What is your father’s first name?
(Ask for spelling; write first 2 letters) __ __ (FANAME)

3. What city were you born in?
(Ask for spelling; write first 2 letters) __ __ (BCITY)

4. What is your mother’s maiden name (family name
before she was married)?
(Ask for spelling; write first 2 letters) __ __(MOMAID)

5. What is your middle initial? __ (MINITIAL)
(none = X)

6. Are you currently participating in any other studies?
no = 1 yes = 2 ref = 8 dk = 9
if yes, specify:
(Exclude RAVEN)

7. Gender
male = 1 female = 2 __ __ (RGENDER)

8. What ethnic or racial group do you belong to?
(Write in free response) ___________________ __ __ (RETHNIC)
(ref = 88, dk = 98)

9. What is the highest grade you finished in school?
none = 0
kindergarten to 8th grade =1
some high school = 2
high school graduate/GED = 3
some college/technical/trade school = 4
2-year college degree = 5
4-year college degree = 6
graduate work/degree = 7
ref = 8
dk = 9 __ __ (EDUC)

10. In the last month, were you in any kind of drug treatment at all?

no = 1 yes = 2 ref = 8 dk = 9

The next three questions are about your economic situation.

11. Do you consider yourself homeless?
no = 1 yes = 2 ref = 8 dk = 9
__ (HOME)

12. Are you currently employed?
no = 1 yes = 2 ref = 8 dk = 9
__ (JOB)

13. Are you currently receiving public assistance, such
as welfare, SSI, AFDC, GAU, veterans’ benefits, etc.?
no = 1 yes = 2 ref = 8 dk = 9

B. Drug use and sexual behavior

The next set of questions are about your drug use and sexual behavior.

14. Have you injected or shot drugs in the last 2 years (year),
that is since [month], 19__?
no = 1 yes = 2 ref = 8 dk = 9
(if no, skip to question 17) __ (RIDU)

15. What drug do you shoot up most often?
heroin and cocaine together [speedballs] = 1
heroin by itself = 2
cocaine by itself = 3
speed by itself (including crytsal methamphetamine) = 4
heroin and speed together = 5
barbiturates = 6
other opiates = 7
other drugs (specify) = 8
ref = 88
dk = 99
specify other drugs: __ __ (RDRUGTYP)

16. In the last 6 months (since ____), how often have
you injected or shot drugs? (free response, then categorize)
none = 0
less than once a week = 1
one or a few times weekly = 2
daily = 3
ref = 8
dk = 9 __ (RDRUGFRQ)

The next several questions are about sex. By “sex” I mean any kind of sexual
activity between two or more people that involves the penis, vagina, or anus (or
“butt”). This includes contact between penis and vagina, between penis and mouth,
between penis and anus, between mouth and vagina, between mouth and anus, between
hand and vagina, between hand and anus, and between hand and penis. For this interview,
“sex” does not include mouth-to-mouth kissing, hand touching of breasts, or rubbing
sexual parts of the body that are covered by clothes. Is it clear to you what I
mean when I say “sex”?

17. Have you had sex in the last 2 years (year) (since [month], 19__)?
no = 1 yes = 2 ref = 8 dk = 9
(if no, then skip to question 21; if no for
both questions 14 and 17, then close interview) __ (RSEX)

18. In the last 2 years (year) (since [month], 19__) did you have sex with...
only men (= 1)
only women (= 2)
both, but mostly men (= 3)
both, but mostly women (= 4)
both, about equally (= 5) __ (RTYPESEX)

19. In the past 2 years (year) (since [month], 19__), have
you traded sex for money or drugs?
no = 1 yes = 2 ref = 8 dk = 9

20. In the last 6 months (since ____), how often have
you had sex? (free response, then categorize)
none = 0
less than once a week = 1
once or a few times a week = 2
daily = 3
ref =8
dk = 9 __ (SEXFREQ)

21. Do you consider yourself to be...
heterosexual/straight (= 1)
gay (= 2)
lesbian (= 3)
bisexual (= 4)
transsexual (= 5)
other (= 6) __ (RSEXOR)

C. Mood

The next two questions are about your mood.

22. Right now, are you in a ...
mostly good mood (= 3)
mostly bad mood (= 1)
or neither good nor bad mood (= 2)

23. Right now, do you feel ...
awake and alert (= 3)
a little sleepy (= 2)
very sleepy (= 3)

D. Sexual and drug injection partners

The next part of the interview is about the people you have had sex with and
people you have injected drugs with. I am going to tape record this part of the
interview, but your responses will still be anonymous and confidential.

[Interviewer: turn on tape recorder]

(The order of question sets 24-29 and 30-35 will be balanced across subjects within
each recall condition. Questions 24/25 and 30/31 will only be asked in recall
conditions A and B.)

Recall conditions:
A. direct estimate and think aloud B. direct estimate and no think aloud
C. no direct estimate and think aloud D. no direct estimate and no think aloud

24. Altogether, how many people did you inject drugs
with in the last 2 years (year) (since [month], 19__)? Include
all the people you injected drugs with, regardless of
whether you shared needles with them or not.
__ __ __ __ (ENUMIPAR)

25. How did you come up with an answer to this question? What thinking processes
did you use to up with an answer? (free response)

25. Think of the people you have injected drugs with in the last 2 years (year)
(since [month], 19__), including those people you did and did not share needles
with. When I ask you to, tell me the names of all the people you have injected drugs
with in the last 2 years (year). You can use their first names, nicknames, initials,
made-up names, or anything that you will be sure to remember them by, but don’t
give me their full names. This way I won’t ever be able to identify these people
or know who they are. I am going to write down the names as you go along. If you
don’t know the name of somebody you have injected drugs with, give some word or
brief description to refer to this person. Take as much time as you need and don’t
worry if names don’t come right away--just keep working at it if you think you might
be able to remember them.

Who are all the people you have injected drugs with in the last 2 years (year)?

(Think-aloud recall instructions for recall conditions A and C):

Think of the people you have injected drugs with in the last 2 years (year) (since
[month], 19__), including those people you did and did not share needles with.
When I ask you to, tell me the names of all the people you have injected drugs with
in the last 2 years (year). You can use their first names, nicknames, initials,
made-up names, or anything that you will be sure to remember them by, but don’t
give me their full names. This way I won’t ever be able to identify these people
or know who they are. I am going to write down the names as you go along. If
you don’t know the name of somebody you have injected drugs with, give some word
or brief description to refer to this person. As you are remembering, please think
aloud and say all the thoughts that go through your mind, even if these thoughts
are not names. Take as much time as you need and don’t worry if names don’t come
right away--just keep working at it if you think you might be able to remember

Who are all the people you have injected drugs with in the last 2 years (year)?

(Probes for think aloud recall conditions A and C after prolonged silences):

What are you thinking now? What is going through your mind?

(Probe subject if subject says s/he is done):

Who else have you injected drugs with in the last 2 years (year)?

[Interviewer: Write names down. Check list of names for completeness.
Replay tape if necessary. Check list for repetitions. Ask subject if repetitions
refer same person. If not, ask subject to give a label that differentiates them (
e.g., based on their physical characteristics, location, occupation, etc. Read
back the list of partners to the subject to make sure that each partner is in fact a
different person. In reading back the list of injection partners, ask the subject
if all of them also shot drugs about the same time the subject did.]

27. Are there other people you have injected drugs with in the last 2 years (year)
but just can’t remember right now? That is, do you have the feeling that you have
injected drugs with other people that you haven’t mentioned already, but you just
can’t remember any of them in particular?
no = 1
yes = 2
maybe = 3
ref = 8
dk = 9

28. Is there anyone else you haven’t already mentioned who
you don’t want to think about or don’t want to mention?
no = 1 yes = 2 ref = 8 dk = 9 __ (IPARNOTH)

29. (If yes to 27 or 28 then ask):
How many other persons have you injected with that
you don’t want to talk about or just can’t remember now?
ref = -8 dk = -9 __ (IPARNMOR)

30. Altogether, how many people did you have sex with
in the last 2 years (year) (since [month], 199_)? Remember that
by “sex” I mean any sexual activity that involves your
and/or the other person’s penis, vagina, or anus,
regardless of the situation the sexual contact occurs in or
the type of relationship you have with the other person.
__ __ __ __ (ENUMSPAR)

31. How did you come up with an answer to this question? What thinking processes
did you use to up with an answer? (free response)

32. Think of the people you have had sex with in the last 2 years (year) (since
[month], 19__). Remember that by “sex” I mean any sexual activity that involves
your and/or the other person’s penis, vagina, or anus, regardless of the situation
the sexual contact occurs in or the type of relationship you have with the other
person. When I ask you to, tell me the names of all the people you have had sex
with in the last 2 years (year). Just like you did a minute ago, you can use their
first names, nicknames, initials, made-up names, or anything that you will be sure
to remember them by, but don’t give me their full names. This way I won’t ever
be able to identify these people or know who they are. I am going to write down
the names as you go along. If you don’t know the name of somebody you have had
sex with, give some word or brief description to refer to this person. Take as
much time as you need and don’t worry if names don’t come right away--just keep
working at it if you think you might be able to remember them.

Who are all the people you have had sex with in the last 2 years (year)?

(Think-aloud recall instructions for recall conditions A and C):
Think of the people you have had sex with in the last 2 years (year) (since
[month], 19__). Remember that by “sex” I mean any sexual activity that involves
your and/or the other person’s penis, vagina, or anus, regardless of the situation
the sexual contact occurs in or the type of relationship you have with the other
person. When I ask you to, tell me the names of all the people you have had sex
with in the last 2 years (year). You can use their first names, nicknames, initials,
made-up names, or anything that you will remember them by, but don’t give me their
full names. This way I won’t ever be able to identify these people or know who they
are. I am going to write down the names as you go along. If you don’t know the name
of somebody you have had sex with, give some word or brief description to refer
to this person. As you are remembering, please think aloud and say all the thoughts
that go through your mind, even if these thoughts are not names. Take as much
time as you need and don’t worry if names don’t come right away--just keep working
at it if you think you might be able to remember them.

Who are all the people you have had sex with in the last 2 years (year)?

(Probes for think aloud recall conditions A and C after prolonged silences):

What are you thinking now? What is going through your mind?

(Probe subject if subject says s/he is done):

Who else have you had sex with in the last 2 years?

[Interviewer: Write names down. Check list of names for completeness. Replay
tape if necessary. Check list for repetitions. Ask subject if repetitions refer
to same person. If not, ask subject to give a label that differentiates them (e.g.,
based on their physical characteristics, location, occupation, etc. Read back
the list of partners to the subject to make sure that each partner is in fact a
different person.]

33. Are there other people you have had sex with in the last 2 years (year) but
just can’t remember right now? That is, do you have the feeling that you have
had sex with other people that you haven’t mentioned already, but you just can’t
remember any of them in particular?
no = 1
yes = 2
maybe = 3
ref = 8
dk = 9

34. Is there anyone else you haven’t already mentioned who
you don’t want to think about or don’t want to mention?
no = 1 yes = 2 ref = 8 dk = 9 __ (SPARNOTH)

35. (If yes to 33 or 34)
How many other persons have you had sex with that you
don’t want to talk about or just can’t remember now?
ref = -8 dk = -9 __ (SPARNMOR)

(Question 36 will only be asked for either sexual partners or drug injection
partners, whichever type of partner was recalled last.)

36. Tell me how you just now went about remembering the people you have (had sex/
injected drugs) with. Did you recall them in any particular order? [Wait for
response]. What strategies or tricks did you use to try to remember all of the
people you could? [Wait for response]. How did you remember these people? [Wait
for response].

[Interviewer: turn off tape recorder]

[Interviewer compares partners mentioned as injection partners and sex partners
to identify unique persons and compares partners mentioned in first and second
interviews (if a second interview).]

(The following questions will be asked about each of the first 12 persons mentioned
in questions 26 and 31. If a person is mentioned as a sexual partner and as a
drug injection partner, individual questions will only be asked once.)

37. [Subjects are asked one of four subsets of these questions. Introductory
statements vary for each subset.]

a) is [partner’s name] male or female? (male = 1, female = 2, ref = 8, dk = 9)

b) what racial or ethnic group does [partner’s name] belong to? (free response)

c) when was the last time you met (year and month if possible; free response)
[partner’s name]?

d) where do/did you typically see or hang out with [partner’s name] (e.g., your
home, a bar, etc.)? (free response)

e) in what city or town do/did you typically see or hang out with [partner’s
name]? (free response)

f) do you know [partner’s name]’s last name? (no = 1, yes = 2, ref = 8, dk = 9)

g) do you know or have [partner’s name]’s address or telephone number? (no = 1,
yes = 2, ref = 8, dk = 9)

h) do you know where [partner’s name] typically hangs out or hung out? (no = 1,
yes = 2, ref = 8, dk = 9)

i) do you know where [partner’s name] works or goes to school? (no = 1, yes = 2,
ref = 8, dk = 9)

j) how good a physical description could you give of [partner’s name]? By physical
description, I mean things like height, weight, hair color/length/style, skin
color, eye color, glasses, mustache/beard, clothes worn, tatoos, scars, etc.) (none
at all = 1, a sketchy one = 2, an o.k. one = 3, a very good one = 4, ref = 8,
dk = 9)

k) do you know other people who might know how to locate [partner’s name]?
(no = 1, yes = 2, ref = 8, dk = 9)

l) what is/was [partner’s name]’s relationship to you (e.g.,
lover/partner/boyfriend/girlfriend, friend, coworker, relative, prostitute,
customer, anonymous, etc.)? (free response)

m) how close is your relationship now with [partner’s name]? Please rate how close
your relationship is on a scale from 1 to 9, with 1 meaning “not close at all”
and 9 meaning “extremely close.”

n) when you think about [partner’s name], do you get mostly good or positive feelings
(= 3), mostly bad or negative feelings (= 1), or neither good nor bad feelings
(= 2)?

(The following questions are only asked about sex partners.)
o) when was the first time you had sex with [partner’s name]? (year and
month if possible; free response)

p) when was the last time you had sex with him/her? (year and month if possible;
free response)

q) did [partner’s name] give you money or drugs in exchange for having sex with
him/her in the last 2 years (year)? (no = 1, yes/sometimes = 2, ref = 8, dk = 9)

r) did you give [partner’s name] money or drugs in exchange to have sex with him/her
in the last 2 years (year)? (no = 1, yes/sometimes = 2, ref = 8, dk = 9)

s) how many times did you have sex with [partner’s name] in the last 2 years
(year)? (once = 1, less than 5 times = 2, 5 to 20 times = 3, more than 20 times = 4,
ref = 8, dk = 9)

t) how often did you use condoms, dental dams, or latex gloves during sex with this
partner in the last 2 years (year)? (never = 1, sometimes = 2, always = 3, ref = 8,
dk = 9)

(The following questions are only asked about drug injection

u) when was the first time you injected drugs with [partner’s name] (year and month
if possible; free response)

v) when was the last time you injected drugs with [partner’s name] (year and month
if possible; free response)

x) how many times did you inject drugs with [partner’s name] in the last 2 years
(year)? (free response, then categorize) (once = 1, less than 5 times = 2, 5 to
20 times = 3, more than 20 times, ref = 8, dk = 9)

y) have you ever shared a needle/syringe, cooker, cotton, rinse water, or drugs
from each other’s syringe with [partner’s name] (frontloading or backloading) in
the last 2 years (year)? By sharing a needle, cooker, cotton, or rinse water, I
mean that you used it before OR after he/she did. (no = 1, yes = 2, ref = 8, dk = 9)

38. Network questions (only half of the subjects are asked these questions)

(The next questions are asked after the questions in 37 have been asked
about all of the named partners.)

(For each unordered pair of partners [of the first 12 mentioned] (proceeding column-
wise from left to right), the following questions will be asked for sex partners
and injection partners separately):

a) - Do/did (name of partner A) and (name of partner B) know each other? (no = 1,
ref = 8, dk = 9)
(if “no”, skip to next partner pair; if “yes”, go to next question)

b) - How much do/did (name of partner A) and (name of partner B) interact/hang out
with each other? (once/very little = 2, sometimes = 3, a lot = 4, ref = 8, dk = 9)


The last set of questions deals with HIV.

39. As you probably know, HIV can be passed from one person to another through
sexual contact and sharing drug injection equipment (or rig or works). If somebody
tests positive for HIV, a health care worker (like a doctor, nurse, counselor, or
public health worker) might ask them to tell all the people they have had sex with
or injected drugs with that they may have been exposed to HIV and should be tested.
Sometimes a person who tests positive for HIV doesn’t want to tell these people
about being exposed to HIV. If this person can give information about or the names of
these people to a health care worker, then the worker can find these people and
encourage them to get tested. All along the health care worker never tells these
people the name of the person who tested positive for HIV. So everything is confidential
when this happens, and no information is given to the police or other government
agencies. This whole process is designed to help prevent the spread of HIV.

Keeping this in mind, I want you to pretend that you have tested positive for HIV.
Imagine that you have tested positive for HIV and a health care worker says that
you should tell all the people you have had sex with or injected drugs with that
they may have been exposed to HIV and should get tested for HIV. I am going to go
through the list of people you mentioned earlier and I want to ask a few last questions
about them. These questions have nothing to do with any blood test you have taken--
I just want you to pretend that you are in this situation. We are not going to
contact anyone--these questions are only for the research study here today.

(for each of the first 12 sex partners and injection partners recalled):

a) Would you tell [partner’s name] yourself that she/he may have been exposed to
HIV and should get tested?
no = 1 maybe = 2 yes = 3 ref = 8 dk = 9

b) (if “no”, “maybe”, or “dk”) Why not? (free response)

c) Would you give [partner’s name]’s name or information about him/her to a health
care worker and let the worker tell [partner’s name] that he/she should get tested
for HIV, even though the health care worker would never mention your name?
no = 1 maybe = 2 yes = 3 ref = 8 dk = 9

d) (if “no”, “maybe”, or “dk”) Why not? (free response)

I’d like to finish up by asking a few more questions and getting your reactions to
the interview questions.

40. In the past year, have you been asked to list the people you have had sex with
or injected drugs with like you did today as part of a study or with a health
care worker?
no = 1 yes = 2 ref = 8 dk = 9 __ (PREVRECL)

41. How embarrassed were you by the questions today?
not at all = 1 a little = 2 somewhat = 3 a lot = 4
ref = 8 dk = 9

42. How uncomfortable were you by the questions today?
not at all = 1 a little = 2 somewhat = 3 a lot = 4
ref = 8 dk = 9

43. Were there any questions that offended you? If so, how? (free response/

44. Were there any questions that could have been asked in a better way or a clearer
way? If so, how? (free response)

45. Do you have any suggestions to make the interview better? (free response)

That’s the end of the interview. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

(The following questions are for the interviewer after the subject has left.)

46. Did the subject appear to be intoxicated or under
the influence of alcohol or drugs during the interview?
no = 0 yes = 1 not sure = 3 __ (SINTOX)

47. Did the subject appear to be experiencing withdrawal
symptoms during the interview?
no = 0 yes = 1 not sure = 3 __ (SWITHDR)

48. How motivated was the subject in answering
the questions?
not at all = 1 somewhat = 2 very = 3 __ (SMOTIV)

49. How open was the subject in answering the questions?
not at all = 1 somewhat = 2 very = 3 __ (SOPEN)

49. How honest was the subject in answering the questions?
not at all = 1 somewhat = 2 very = 3 __ (SHONEST)

49. How resistant was the subject in answering the questions?
not at all = 1 somewhat = 2 very = 3 __ (SRESIST)

49. How tense was the subject in answering the questions?
not at all = 1 somewhat = 2 very = 3 __ (STENSE)

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